Absage Flogging Molly Nova Rock Festival Absage Flogging Molly Nova Rock Festival
News vom 06.02.2025

Absage Flogging Molly

Wir wünschen Dave gute Besserung! Hier die Info der Band:

„To our family, friends and fans, our fearless leader, the inimitable Dave King is currently battling a very serious health condition. Dave and Bridget ask everyone to respect their privacy at this time, we will share as we can. Any good thoughts or prayers you can send Dave’s way he and we would appreciate it. Unfortunately Flogging Molly will be unable to perform shows in 2025. With the Salty Dog Cruise 12 days away, the boat will sail as planned with 18 bands, and members of Flogging Molly, on board to celebrate the cruise, the community and our captain, Dave King. Thank you, Flogging Molly.“ 

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