Greisslerei / Supermarket

Are you done carrying 4 days worth of food, drinks and toiletries across the camping are? Good. You don’t have to. This year we offer Smart Shopping. The Greisslerei will cater to your every need and the best thing about it is that you don’t have to walk for miles to get your stuff. On camp site in the midst of Food District Number #1 there will also be a little Festival Supermarket that offers a small variety of every day necessities.

The drink shop will provide you with quick buys for anyone who just wants to get a 24-can-tray of Ottarocker beer or a tray of sparkling water including 6 bottles.

Or festival mini market will offer even more comfort this year:

Our assortment will be upped from 30 goods to altogether 100 articles. Our shop consists of hundred square meters of aisles, where you can stroll around and shop to your heart’s content – just like home. Get everything you need for a comfortable festival experience – all the things you forgot at home or left behind on purpose will be provided fresh and cooled. You can pay with the balance on your cashless card.


  • Drinks:  juices, lemonades, longdrinks in a can, partyshots and a choice of either a large (24 cans) or medium (12 cans) Ottarocker beer tray presented to you by the Ottakringer brewery.
  • Ice cubes
  • For when you feel a bit peckish or in need of a snack: Bifi, Bifi Hot Roll, different types of Crunchips, sweets, chewing gum, muesli bars, biscuits and cookies, sandwiches, , fruit and vegetables ….
  • Breakfast food: cooled long-life milk, fruit yoghurt, slicing sausage from our partner BERGER & WIESBAUER, packed portions of cheese, Nutella, jam, muesli, hummus, spreads, bread and rolls, iced coffee, smoothie…
  • Bodywash, tooth paste, tooth brush or sun lotion – forgot your toiletries at home? No worries, we have a fine choice of practical bathroom products for you: deodorant, disposable safety razors, toilet paper, handkerchiefs, disinfectant, soft wipes, female hygiene products, condoms, and more are stocked for you.
  • Festival Snacks:  To make sure you don’t miss out on culinary delights, the supermarket has some hearty HANDL TYROL treats for you. HANDL TYROL snacks do not need to be kept refrigerated and always remain fresh and delicious, even at room or festival temperature.

As last year we offer a Rock-menu that consists of 4 cans of Ottarocker and one can Inzersdorfer for a special price. If you buy 6 cans of Inzersdorfer at once you will receive a free Inzersdorfer gymbag – for as long as stock lasts.

Opening Hours:

THU – SUN: 08:00 am to 08:00 pm



  • Ottarocker Dose
  • Longdrinks in der Dose diverse Sorten
  • Spirituosen


Durstlöscher und Muntermacher könnt ihr euch gekühlt und ganz bequem ebenso bei uns abholen.

  • Limonaden
  • Eistee
  • Red Bull Energy Drink, diverse Sorten
  • Red Bull Organics, diverse Sorten

Für einen guten Start in den Festival-tag gibt es: frisches Gebäck vom burgenländischen Bäcker, Wurst - und Käse, süße und pikante Aufstriche.

Alle die es lieber süß mögen, werden bei uns auch fündig. Von  Marmelade und Joghurt sowie Obst ist alles dabei.

Köstlichen Eiskaffee haben wir auch mit eingepackt.


Frische Vitamine könnt ihr euch in unserer Obst- und Gemüse-Ecke holen!

Bleib sauber ;)

Duschgel, Sonnencreme, Kondome, Feuchttücher, Toilettenpapier, Desinfektionsmittel und vieles mehr, das ihr vergessen habt, haben wir für euch vorrätig.

  • Hair & Body
  • Tampons
  • Kondome
  • Klopapier & Taschentücher
  • Sonnencreme
  • Apresun
  • Pflaster
  • Regenponcho
  • Feuerzeuge
  • Kaugummi
  • Eiswürfel (ab Mittwoch, solange der Vorrat reicht)

Damit der kulinarische Genuss nicht zu kurz kommt, gibt's im Supermarkt für euch herzhafte HANDL TYROL Leckereien. Die Snacks von HANDL TYROL müssen nicht gekühlt gelagert werden und bleiben auch bei Raum- bzw. Festivaltemperatur stets frisch und köstlich.

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